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After 60 Years, Psychology Remains Bigoted & Ignorant?

Shit that Physicist Thinks
3 min readDec 1, 2023

Until psychology stops using the archaic notion of race as a perceived ‘real category’ of people, especially perpetuated by Americans, who seem to hold onto the illusory concepts of ‘race’ to maintain the current power structure that serves white people — who honestly are alarmingly obsessed with race and ethnicity, at least in growingly undereducated America — it will never be taken seriously by actual scientists as a solid science. I’ve tried giving psychology a chance, but so much of what I see that comes from it is more harmful, or even hateful, than good. Categorising groups of people into imposed-upon types and acting like creating one big label for a large group of people can actually define them seems extremely childish to me. For the life of me, to this day, if someone tries to describe a person as ‘black’ or ‘white’ to me, I fail to grasp what characteristics they might be hinting at. When you realise that skin colour has nothing to do with people’s personalities, you become far more open-minded and try to see the PERSON in the body they have, the mind in that skull, not whatever stereotype the world tries to attach to their physical appearance… which I honestly also cannot really attribute to anyone, because an individual is unique, and the bullshit obsession with ‘empowerment’ associated with the stupid concept of race only furthers the disgusting divide between people who are all the same — you are LITERALLY. ALL. HOMO. SAPIENS. You’re all people, in a world where resources are almost laughably available, to extents where perfectly good materials are wasted by those who have too much and never stop to give those who have nothing. Yet, for some reason, while claiming to be ‘so smart and educated’, they conform to the pathetic ideas of tribalism, which only served to protect terrified, small groups of people that had nothing but sticks and their own bodies to defend themselves and their hard-earned resources.

Just because we are complex, it doesn’t mean you should go and try to ‘simplify’ us. That’s like trying to understand the human brain by dumbing down observations. There’s no such thing as a left and right brain, we know that now. What caused such folly in the first place? Oversimplification. An eagerness to impose our pattern recognition on things that don’t exist.

A lot of the time, we arrogantly assume we understand the human brain and shove stupid ideas down the throats of those who would benefit from not being overly-diagnosed and having a billion conditions colour their identity — or completely devour it. Even the supposed ‘conditions’ that get thrown your way end up being wrong one way or another, which is honestly depressing. It’s like someone trying to help starving people by unknowingly giving them poisoned mushrooms.

Just like most professions, sometimes there are rare, extremely rare gems in the shit pile of psychologists that actually see the futility of grouping every single possible ‘condition’ on the planet, and instead go off of experience to help people recover from their own unique issues. If more psychologists did that, without acting like weirdos who think treating people like a bunch of meatbags who fit in groups such as “white, middle aged, highly educated” etc somehow actually defines individuals in any meaningful way, psychology would be far more useful than it actually is now. Again, that is so unbelievably childish. I suppose it is the folly of humans, but… there is no excuse for what they claim they are trying to achieve.

For people studying… well, people, you would think they would be interested in lessening the divide between humanity, and instead creating better tools for everyone to understand themselves as what they very simply are.


That is all. This is kind of short because it was brought on by another one of those psychology hack articles that make my skin crawl, and I had to put my thoughts to pen somewhere.



Shit that Physicist Thinks

Physicist, artist, writer, passionate, creative thinker. This is just a blog about random shit I think about. Can be funny. [SATIRE AHEAD.]