Life Advice, or a Madman’s Ramblings?

Shit that Physicist Thinks
7 min readJul 24, 2018

How do we even begin to write about things like these?

There is just so much to express. From the perceptions of older generations, to the flawed means of communication between us and them.

But I mean, who is to blame in the first place? Maybe both parties? Perhaps neither?

And you, dear reader. Who are you?

So many of us just give in, catatonic, wallowing in anger and self pity, shackled and limited by brainless criticism, labelled one thing or another. You sit there, muttering to yourself, every single day. You lock yourself up in your room, devoid of any real human contact, then wonder why, like so many teenagers and twenty-somethings, you’re depressed. Or so you think you are.

The world around you caves in on you. Slowly, little by little, it becomes smaller and smaller. Your vision narrows. Your options are limited. And your elders think you are failing.

But what is failure, anyway? Is it even a real thing? Is it not simply a sign of trying? I would think so. What is trying without some roadblocks here and there? Even among the path less travelled, there will be obstacles. The difference is, they will be new, previously unencountered obstacles, that you will have to overcome yourself.

And, I mean, let’s be real.

Sometimes, we all just need a little break. Just because you’re not overworking yourself until you drop, does not mean you are not doing something productive. Sometimes, you are being productive by being lazy, and giving yourself the chance to recover. A lot of people lack the ability to comprehend that taking it easy, if just for a few days, to recover from socialising and other draining activities, is just what you need to keep going.

Many people will judge you. They will fill your head with lies. They will try to limit you on what you can and cannot do, even if you are, by all means, an adult, and should be trusted to make your own decisions. And when you are not, it may be another source of stress for you. But, honestly, once you realise how meaningless such a thing is, and how much it does not affect you, you can begin to live more freely. Healthier. Better. Because, whether or not they trust you is on them. Your decision-making ability remains unchanged by their thoughts.

There is nothing wrong with doing whatever you want to do. That is why we are alive after all. But once you’ve recovered, you should really be looking to invest in yourself, and no one else. For your own sake. To keep having an adventurous, exciting, interesting life, completely fulfilled by yourself alone.

Trust me, people will leave you alone once you’ve got your shit together. So just close up loose ends. Tie up the seams. When the superficial nonsense people consider important is taken care of, you can start to live in your own little world, your own little cave, and keep investing in yourself.

Expand your knowledge on random topics. Read random articles every morning. Exercise every morning. Just do something new that makes you feel more alive, on a daily basis. And take it one step at a time.

If you really just stop and think about it, nothing really needs to be surrounded in so much drama and nonsense. That is simply just… Cancer. It crawls up on you, slowly wrapping its black vines around your body, while you are completely unaware, until it tightens its grip on you. You find it hard to breathe. Your world begins to spin. It will try and consume every good thing about you.

And you should free yourself of it as much as possible, so you can live comfortably and happily.
And, for the love of everything that is good, take care of yourself. Stop worrying about what others want and do what you do for you, no one else. Remember that you matter most. Remember that you come first. Unblur that image. Put yourself on high focus, and march along.

So many of us think that by avoiding reality, it will eventually leave us alone. But why avoid it in the first place? This world is not a scary place. We may all be lost souls in a soup of confusion, fear and pain, but it need not be that way. You can pick yourself up. You can hold your head up high. And you can live to the fucking fullest, because that is exactly what we all need to do.

And may I just mention how disgusting social media has become? Or perhaps, has always been. There’s so many double standards and biased views that just drive me fucking insane. Perhaps insanity is the only way to be able to live in this stupid world of ours.

And can I just mention this… Very strange thing, the nature of the internet that repulses me and drives me away from it?

Me: what in the fuck is ligma????
… oh.
the only reaction I could think of to such outrageous stupidity. I swear I’m not judging, I’m just amazed by my lack of understanding of human society, and others’ psyche. Thanks.

Apparently it is now perfectly fine to lie about someone having some sort of terminal (?) illness. What’s more, I cannot wrap my head around why anyone would have a reason to spread such a lie. Does it not seem utterly strange to you? Personally, I don’t think this is a rational or a logical thing to do. Perhaps that is redundant to say, but it is clear emphasis that something is wrong.

So why do we stay so attached to such an environment?

Probably because the amount of judgement everyone receives comes in mostly harmless forms. For example, memes. They can be judgemental, sure, but they are, more often than not, judgemental on the basis of humour. As they say, it’s for laughs. And laughs I appreciate. And, of course, they come from a long distance, behind a monitor, where only pixels try to hurt your self-esteem.

Yes, I cannot take anything seriously, and I’m fine with that. In fact I’d preach that philosophy everyday, because it’s so… healthy for you. That does not mean you don’t care about everything, of course you care about what’s really important to and for you. But not taking it seriously allows for room for creativity, the willingness to think outside the box and the freedom to approach a multitude of situations in various different means. It’s a refreshing outlook on life that should not be so carelessly tossed aside. It’s a type of medication for the soul in a world full of diseases that can spread through your mind, polluting your ability to think, forever.

There is good and bad to everything, to every aspect of life. Or is there? Perhaps there are just many different sides to things and we should not be so rash to label them ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Perhaps it is better for our minds to look at everything around us more fully, without judgement, take it all in and leave behind what we simply cannot really… Enjoy, I suppose.

What is the value of this long rant of a madman’s ramblings, you might ask. Well, it’s cathartic. It feels like I’m cleansing my mind, body and, whatever the soul could be considered. I suppose it’s another facet to your mental status that most people separate because it is more emotional than logical. Perhaps they should not be separated, but maybe the number three is a satisfying number. Three seems like a good ending to a group of things, maybe that is why in so many cultures it is a divine number. It ties things up. Two may seem without end, waiting for something else to come along. Is that why we are so obsessed with it? Anyway. Why are we so inclined to view emotions as harmful? They are a fuel to our creativity. They should be embraced, not destroyed. Nurtured, even.

Ah, for the beauty of life and death, misery and happiness. We humans are innovative. We have come up with so many things it amazes me that there is still much, much more to be created. And yes, oh yes, there really is more to be discovered, explored, described. Writers can never run out of room to create. No one is limited by anything but themselves. Trudge the dark, deep, mysterious waters. Uncover the unknown truths. Look deep within yourself, reflect on what your body and mind tell you. Embrace yourself as you are, for you are amazing. No matter how toxic you may be on the internet, hiding behind the security of your anonymity to avoid personal conflict, you still have room to grow as a person. Just let go. Let go of the fear. The fear of judgement, of worry. The fear of not being accepted. Maybe if you approached others more as an actual, real human being, instead of some detached, disconnected mirror image of who you wish you could some day be, put your true self out there, you would find better friendships, and more meaningful relationships that will add more value to your life than you could ever expect.

You never know the amount of knowledge, discoveries, connections and friends you may find along the way of your crazy, confusing, topsy-turvy, wonderfully strange life. So go out there. Face life head-on. As they say, go the distance. Who knows what you may end up doing some day.



Shit that Physicist Thinks

Physicist, artist, writer, passionate, creative thinker. This is just a blog about random shit I think about. Can be funny. [SATIRE AHEAD.]